Wednesday, July 7, 2010

she's a rainbow

Dolly Face, originally uploaded by sugarpie honeybunch.
Of all of my retro/vintage photos on Flickr, this is probably my very favorite -- partly because it's just a visually-interesting photo but also because it's part of an advertisement for a product I well remember trying: Yardley's Dolly Face Beauty Mask.

The masks came in 5 different colors and each color was designed to address a different skin problem -- I don't remember which color I purchased or what it was supposed to do but, apparently, I wasn't impressed because I never bought it again.

It's a great photo, though, isn't it?

P.S. For those who care about such things (and I do), Colleen Corby -- the most prolific American teenage model of the 60's -- is in the upper left hand corner.

1 comment:

Shazzaroo said...

OMG!! I think I got this too! (Very unusual for me as I had hardly any make-up/toiletry kind of crap as a kid.)
The pearliness of its shine in the picture instantly brought to mind a memory unexposed for 30 years or so... what a weird (but sweet) feeling. :)